Geotechnical Engineering
Subsurface exploration
Soil and foundation engineering
Dam & levee safety review and design
Quarry reclamation
Rock mechanics engineering
Slope stability analysis
Groundwater and subsurface drainage
Liquefaction potential and settlement
Piles and piers
Retaining walls
Shoring design parameters
Ground improvement
Seismic response analysis
Earthquake engineering
Settlement analysis
Expansive soil
Pavement design and maintenance
Airport pavement design
Geology and Geologic Engineering
Geologic feasibility studies
Landslide evaluation and remediation
Fault investigations
Geologic hazards evaluations
Field mapping
Quarry resources evaluation
SMARA reclamation plans
Field Exploration and Testing
Becker hammer drilling
Cone penetration testing (CPT)
Double ring infiltrometer testing
Down hole hammer drilling
Hollow stem/solid flight auger drilling
Infiltration/percolation testing
Mud rotary drilling
Rock coring
Seismic refraction surveys
Sonic drilling
Test pits
Laboratory Testing
Soil characterization
Soil and Rock strength testing
AC Mix designs
R-Value and CBR testing
Soil consolidation
Triaxial compression shear strength
Direct shear
Lime and cement soil mixtures
Soil permeability
Concrete compression
Masonry grout and mortar compression
Rock and aggregate quality testing
Construction Monitoring
Earthwork observation and testing
Field density testing
Cut & fill slope construction
Subdrain installation
Special Inspection of reinforced and prestressed concrete, anchor bolts, structural steel welding and bolting
Batch plant inspection
Fill export/import testing/evaluation
Floor level surveys
Moisture check building pads
Moisture cells for floors
NOA earthwork monitoring
Pile and Pier installation
Retaining wall construction
Pavement construction
Footing excavation observation
Rip-rap installation